Bradley Cooper to Produce/Star/Kick Evil Ass in New WWI-era Flick
The A.V. Club reports that Bradley Cooper will star in and produce an adaptation of Howard Blum’s upcoming novel Dark Invasion. The true story follows New York Police Inspector Tom Tunney, who is tasked with stopping a gang of German saboteurs responsible for a string of bombings in the U.S. just prior to WWI:
Bradley Cooper is set to play the heroic Tunney, a “cunning Irish cop” who gathers a loyal group of operatives to hunt down the Germans before they can use germ warfare, bomb the U.S. Capitol, or assassinate J.P. Morgan. Cooper will produce the film alongside John Lesher and the screenplay will be written by Taylor Sheridan, a writer and actor best known for his turn as Deputy Hale on Sons Of Anarchy. Cooper will presumably complete his turn in The Elephant Man on Broadway before donning the police uniform and “cunning” smile of Tunney.
So far now word on whether or not that perm will play a role.