Creator of Wildly Successful Tumblr “Your L.L. Bean Boyfriend” Lives in Philly
It’s that time of year again: the weather’s colder, days are shorter, and there’s another cozy L.L. Bean catalog out for all of us to ogle. At least one Philadelphian, Elizabeth Pride, takes that ogling seriously, having started up the viral success that is “Your L.L. Bean Boyfriend,” a tumblr site that couples “framed” shots of male L.L. Bean models with witty, too-good-to-be-true quips like “‘I signed us up to help with the food drive,” Damien said. ‘I know how that’s one of your favorite things to do during the holidays,'” a la Hey Girl Ryan Gosling. Since Pride started the tumblr on Monday, it has been picked up by the likes of USA Today and Huffington Post, with HuffPo’s politics editor calling the site her “new favorite tumblr.” Sadly for Pride, though, it looks like the only L.L. Bean men in Philly are in the catalog itself. [BangorDailyNews]