Mike Nutter Hates WHYY Pledge Drives As Much As You
Every year I get suckered into thinking that my contribution to the local public radio outfit will somehow make the local public radio outfit stop asking me for money, as if my dial was linked into my personal account. (Wait, that’s an amazing idea. If NPR actually figured out a way to do this, donations would skyrocket.) In any event, Michael Nutter is just as annoyed as the rest of you with WHYY’s current fall membership drive.
Dave Davies, the veteran WHYY reporter and frequent Terry Gross pinch-hitter, says he was among a scrum of reporters when the mayor gave him a dry, but good-natured ribbing. “I have to say I was rudely awakened a number of mornings last week by the sound of pure begging by Dave Davies,” the mayor started in. “All I’m hearing about is, ‘get a mug, get an umbrella, do something good.’ ‘I know this book is not worth $120, but you should send it anyways.'” Here’s the audio.