An Eye on The Apple


Highlights from today’s NY Times’ Dining Section:

George Costanza was wrong, double dipping is nasty, according to this study inspired by the Seinfeld episode. Think about this scientist’s comment when you’re at your Super Bowl celebration:

“The way I would put it is, before you have some dip at a party, look around and ask yourself, would I be willing to kiss everyone here? Because you don’t know who might be double dipping, and those who do are sharing their saliva with you.”

This is not a concern in New Jersey, where men communally eat meat dipped in margarine at silverware-less banquets called ‘beefsteaks’.

More news on mercury levels in seafood and a helpful piece on what types of seafood have the lowest levels of mercury. Stock up on oysters and anchovies!

A long article on interstate wine shipping, which might make your eyes cross just a little bit.

Customers in Cambridge, Mass raised $30,000 to save legendary ice cream parlor Toscanini’s, which was going to close because the owners owed back taxes. Wonder if anyone would have held a fundraiser like that for Neil Stein?