4 Women Are Running From New York to D.C. for Planned Parenthood — Here’s Where to Run With Them in Philly

Image via Four Women Run for All Women GoFundMe
Well, consider this your very hefty dose of Monday motivation: Later this month, four women are running from Harlem, New York to Washington, D.C. in an effort to raise funds for Planned Parenthood. Yep: That’s a whopping 240 miles they’ll be running. We repeat: 240 (!!) miles.
The route for the verrrry long run will be taking them right through Philly. And what’s that, you ask? Can you run with them? Why, yes, as a matter of fact, you can! Just mark the date Thursday, January 19th down in your calendar now.
Here’s the deal: The run, called the Four Women Run for All Women, is being led by Alison Mariella Désir, the founder of Harlem Run. As the GoFundMe page for the event says, the run, landing in D.C. on Inauguration Day (that’s January 20th, if you don’t know), is being held in an effort to “raise money and awareness for Planned Parenthood and the awesome power of women … We will arrive in DC on January 20th to join all of our powerful, beautiful, and courageous sisters in the Women’s March. There will be four of us running, but we’ll be running for all of us.” Their fundraising goal of $44,000 is a shoutout to President Barack Obama, who served as the 44th president of the United States.
So, back to how you, my friends, can run with them. After posting their GoFundMe page (they’ve already raised over $30,000, by the way), lots of women reached out to the runners about how they could get involved. Enter this handy Google Doc, which tells you where the runners will be stopping, in four-mile increments along the route, so that fellow runners can join them. They’ll be coming through Philly on the night of January 19th, making stops for runners to hop in the run in Torresdale, Tacony, Port Richmond, Old City, West Philly and South Philly. If you’re interested in running with them, you can add your name to the Google Doc next to the leg of the run that makes sense for you. Just take note of their night-safety protocol for runners; headlamps and reflective vests are a must after 5 p.m. If you won’t be able to join in on the runs, they are also encouraging runners to host “solidarity runs” that Wednesday through Friday. And fellas, this might be a run for the ladies, but you are totally welcome to join in, too.
There aren’t yet any details on how to keep up with where they actually are on the route. After all, stuff comes up and there might be delays. We’re going to go ahead and make the suggestion that they go the SEPTA route of creating a Twitter account to keep folks in the know about where they are. And if running in the middle of the night is not your jam, you know what might be? CHEERING in the middle of the night. 240 miles of running deserves some cheering sections, don’t you say?
You can keep up with updates on the run by subscribing for updates to their GoFundMe page here.
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