The Checkup: The Scientific Case for Taking a Daily Selfie (This Is Not a Joke)

• You could call taking a selfie a day vain, or you could call it a confidence boost: A new study found that folks who took a selfie every day for three weeks reported feeling more confident at the end of it all. Hey, it seems to work for the Kardashians, right? [Men’s Health]

• These are the best American bike lanes of 2016. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, Philly. [People For Bikes]

• We talked about mobility just last week. Long story short: It’s important, and these six mobility exercises are here to help you up your flexibility game and become a better athlete in the process. [Outside]

• Here’s an unexpected benefit to chillin’ in the sauna more often: According to a new study, it could be good for your brain. [Science of Us]

• Traveling this holiday season? Take note of these flight attendant-approved packing tips that are sure to save whatever sanity you’ve got left after this slightly incredibly insane year. [Well + Good]

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