Get into Mischief at the Mutter Museum Tonight

Courtesy of the Mutter Museum of the College of Physicians
Mischief at the Mutter @ Mutter Museum | Thursday, October 27
The museum of medical oddities is hosting its second annual Mischief at the Mutter party and “festive disguises” are encouraged. Your ticket includes an open bar, so you can drink as much as you need to make the wall of skulls feel OK. This one is 21-plus, but on Sunday kids are welcome at the museum’s Day of the Dead festivities.
Drink Philly Halloween Boat Party @ Spirit of Philadelphia | Thursday, October 27
Sail down the Delaware during this Halloween cruise from Drink Philly and Spirit of Philadelphia, featuring an open bar, a dinner buffet and live music. Choose your costume carefully; the best one gets a prize.
Dia de los Muertos Party @ International House | Friday, October 28
Dress up creepy-like and get to I-House for a Day of the Dead–themed dance party with food and beer. They’ll be handing out prizes for the best costumes.
Trestlework Orange @ The Trestle Inn | Saturday, October 29
The Trestle Inn’s Halloween party is “A Night for Adventurous Men and Women Whose Principal Interests are Whiskey and Go Go.” I mean, that’s all of us, right? The evening starts off with a screening of A Clockwork Orange, followed by a dance party with music from DJs Elvin Tibideaux and Billa, a costume contest, and go-go dancers.
Twisted Fairytale @ Yakitori Boy | Saturday, October 29
Prizes go to the most creative and most twisted costumes at Yakitori Boy’s Halloween bash, where you can sing karaoke and partake in cocktail specials. The lounge/restaurant put together a Pinterest board of costume ideas to show you what “twisted fairytale” means — picture zombie Goldilocks. Or murderous Little Red Riding Hood. Or undead Alice in Wonderland. You get it.
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