Be Well Workout of the Week: The Upper-Body Workout That Sneaks Up on Your Lower Half

This workout looks like it's all upper body, but trust us: Your lower half will be burning too.

Technically, we’re calling this an upper-body workout. But don’t get it twisted and think your lower body is off the hook today: All of these upper-body moves have a lower-body component that sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

Here’s how the workouts goes: You have three sets of exercises, each consisting of two or three exercises. You’ll complete each round four times before moving on to the next round. Happy sweating!

Be Well Workout of the Week: The Upper-Body Workout That Sneaks Up on Your Lower Half

Round 1 x 4
10 dumbbell twist, punch, and row (10 on the left, and then 10 on the right)
10 downward dog to push ups

Round 2 x 4
10 single-leg dead lift (10 on the right, and then 10 on the left)
15 lunge row with band (15 on the left, and then 15 on the right)

Round 3 x 4
20 chest press with single leg bridges (10 on the right leg, and then 10 on the left leg)
20 Russian twists with punch (10 on each side)
10 overhead press with plie squat: get into plie squat position with weights hanging down in front of you.  Do a squat, and press the weights overhead as your stand.  As you squat back down, reach the weights to the floor

Explanation of exercises
Click links for how-to videos. 

Dumbbell twist, punch, and row: Begin in a wide, low squat, holding a dumbbell in your right hand at your chest. Rotate your lower body, twisting your feet and knees to face the left so you end up in a lunge with your left leg forward, squeezing your right glute muscles. Punch the weight forward, then hinge at the hips and rest your left arm on your left thigh to do a lunge row. Bring your chest back up and turn back to face forward, ending back in your squat. Remember to stay low with bent knees the entire time.

Downward dog to push-up: Begin in downward dog position, then drive down and through to a push-up position, squeezing your glutes like crazy. Do a push-up, then return to downward dog.

Single-leg dead lift: Holding dumbbells or a kettlebell, hinge forward at the hips, keeping a very straight spine and a slight bend in your right knee. Lift your straight left leg behind you and hinge until your upper body and left leg are parallel to the floor. Rise back up to standing and repeat.

Lunge row: Standing with your left leg forward in a lunge and left forearm on thigh, row a weight or resistance band with your right arm like you’re starting lawn mower. Switch to opposite side lunge for left arm.

Chest press with single leg bridge: Lie on back with feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Holding weights with arms straight, reaching toward the ceiling, reach your right foot up toward the ceiling, and press your hips up, driving your left foot into the floor. While hips are lifted, do 10 chest presses. Then switch legs and repeat on the other side.

Russian twists with dumbbell punch: Sitting on the floor, holding weights at your chest, lift your legs and rotate your upper body using your core to alternate punching the weights as you twist from side to side.

Overhead press with plie squat: Get into plie squat position with weights hanging down in front of you. Do a squat, and press the weights overhead as you stand. As you squat back down, reach the weights to the floor and repeat.

» Did you complete this week’s BeWOW? Tell us how you did in the comments! Or,  feel free to tweet at us about it using the hashtag #BeWOW. Check out all the BeWOW workouts here.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

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