Video: The Best Meatballs In Philly

Duck meatball sandwich at High Street on Market | Photo by Caviar

Duck meatball sandwich at High Street on Market | Photo by Caviar

A while back, we put together a list of some of the best meatballs in Philly. Apparently, our friends over at 6ABC liked it enough that they decided to put it on TV. Ot, more to the point, decided to put me on TV (which is rarely a good idea) to talk about some of the best meatballs in this meatball-loving town.

I went on and on and on. I also managed to wear almost exactly the same color outfit as Alicia Vitarelli. Neither of those things was on purpose.

You can check out the results after the jump.

Best Meatballs In Philly [FYI Philly]