Philadelphia Bars & Restaurants Celebrate May the Fourth

Cedar Point Bar & Kitchen is offering Darth cheddar waffle grilled cheese served with yoda soup.
May the 4th has become a real nerdy holiday for Star Wars fans and Philadelphia bars and restaurants have been getting in on the fun all day with Star Wars related specials. The fun will continue all night as Stargazy is doing a special Star Wars (“StarWarzy”) themed pop-up at the Garage and Standard Tap goes way overboard with a Star Wars themed galactic pageant, amped up by the presence of the Craft Brewers Conference.

Yoda gets his healthy green by consuming lots of Honeygrow juices.

Drink like Luke Skywalker at Bluebird Distilling in Phoenixville. They’re calling this a Bantha Milk Fizz.

In Kennett Square, a couple employees at Talula’s Table are clearly gripped by May the Fourth fever.

These gingerbread wookies from Bakeshop on 20th might be the most adorable Star Wars tie in we’ve seen.

Kermit’s Bake Shoppe is offering these Star Wars cupcakes today.

As we mentioned above, Stargazy will be at the Garage tonight.
And with whatever you get into tonight, may the force be with you.