Free Biscuits At Scratch Biscuits’ Opening
To those miracles called “morning people,” this one’s for you.
Mitch Prensky’s Scratch Biscuits is opening Tuesday, July 7th and the first 50 customers will receive free biscuits. The only catch being that they will be opening at 7:30 AM. Great for the morning lovers among us, less so for those who prefer to let the sun rise before they do. At least for tomorrow, if you snooze, you really do lose.
But if you do intend to sleep through the free biscuit bonanza, here’s their full opening menu to help spark a visit later in the day. I’ll admit, the menu is kind of nuts (the good kind, the kind I could potentially see myself going back multiple times to explore thoroughly), but have a look and see if there’s something on there to get you excited.
Scratch Biscuits Opening Menu
Not normally a biscuit-eater? Worry not: they have a gluten-free version of their biscuit that can replace the regular buttermilk biscuit, for those who avoid the stuff. And for the health-conscious, they will be serving Sip N Glo juices (since a green juice nullifies biscuit calories). There will also be Rival Brothers coffee, housemade sweet tea and strawberry lemonade, and soda.
Since we’re talking options, you can also have just the innards of the biscuit, if you so wish, or create your own biscuit with all the possible toppings from the menu available. There’s even a salad tucked in there! And biscuit tots.
I wasn’t kidding when I said this menu was kind of nuts.
Scratch Biscuits [f8b8z]