OMG, Is Target Coming to Center City?

We’ll always have the Red Lobster. | Shutterstock.
The suburbs. Land of the white picket fences and chain restaurants. But while we (I say ‘we’ because I am a suburbanite, though I spend about 85 percent of my time in the city) might not have great dining options, or the ability to walk everywhere, we do have one thing: Targets. Targets everywhere, big, glorious beacons of hope and beauty and flokati throw rugs.
Right now, there are no Target locations in the heart of the city; the closest one is the South Philly location. But soon, the shining star of the ‘burbs—the thing I can hold over the heads of my friends who ask me again and again why I don’t live in the city is that I can reply: “But we have TARGET!”—might be coming to Center City.
The Inquirer reported that the store would be a TargetExpress concept, a pared-down format similar to a drugstore. Our sister blog Property posted about the news, noting that it “seems like it will be a similar experience to the mega-Walgreens at Broad and Chestnut: smaller items, fresh food, a beauty department, a pharmacy and even home and electronic goods.”
Head to Property for more details. I’ll just be over here enjoying my last few months of Target gloating.