10 Ferguson Twitter Accounts You Need to Follow
Want to really know what's happening? These 10 Twitter handles are required reading.

People protest Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014, for Michael Brown, who was killed by a police officer last Saturday in Ferguson, Mo. As night fell Sunday in Ferguson, another peaceful protest quickly deteriorated after marchers pushed toward one end of a street. Police attempted to push them back by firing tear gas and shouting over a bullhorn that the protest was no longer peaceful.
Since the death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown last Saturday, residents of Ferguson, Missouri, have taken to the streets to protest. Long before major media were on the ground, Twitter provided to-the-minute updates of events, and continues to be the most reliable reporting resource. Below is a list of 10 individuals you should follow on Twitter if you want to know what’s really happening on the streets of Ferguson, because the likes of CNN can’t be trusted to even report what’s happening outside of its own doors:
1. Antonio French (@AntonioFrench), St. Louis Alderman of the 21st Ward.
An audio account of what was happening last night down by Canfield in #Ferguson. (via @elonjames) https://t.co/bMrRCphYvb
— Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) August 19, 2014
2. Maria Chappelle-Nadal (@MariaChappelleN), Missouri State Senator, District 14
Today a grown man cried in my arms because of his fear 1st amendment guarantees would be taken away from him. He will be a friend 4 life!
— Maria Chappelle-Nadal (@Maria4Missouri) August 19, 2014
3. Joel D. Anderson (@blackink12), Writer, Buzzfeed
4. Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery), Writer, Washington Post
5. Cherrell Brown (@Awkward_Duck), Organizer
6. Rembert Browne (@rembert), Writer, Grantland
that lady suggesting water cannons is honestly the 900th worst thing that's happened in the past 10 days. gotta keep it moving.
— Rembert Browne (@rembert) August 19, 2014
7. Trymaine Lee (@trymainelee), Reporter, MSNBC
Someone screeched up in car as police yelled back up. He emerged bleeding from hand. Someone said he'd been shot.
— Trymaine Lee (@trymainelee) August 19, 2014
8. Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes), Reporter, MSNBC
I have a pit in my stomach over where this is headed if something doesn't change.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) August 19, 2014
9. Jelani Cobb (@jelani9), Contributor, The New Yorker
10. “Bobby scmedium Shirt” (@Vandalyzm), Area Resident
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