The Top 5 Things Smart Philly Residents Care About [UPDATED]

SEPTA, are you listening?

UPDATE: The below has been clarified to reflect the fact that PlanPhilly was concerned only with issues around the built and natural environments, as they wrote in their post. Another clarification: My original title for this post was “Top 5 Things Planning Nerds Care About,” but I chose to make it more positive. Readers of PlanPhilly, in my experience, are all very bright. Who else would read devotedly about planning and zoning?

In order to create a more perfect Philadelphia as we move toward an election year, PennPraxis and PlanPhilly presented PlanPhilly’s readers with a list of what they described as the “most important issues facing Philadelphia’s built and natural environments” and asked their readers to answer one important question: “Which three of these issues do you feel are the most important for Philadelphia’s future?”

“We’ll use this information to help shape research and civic engagement by PennPraxis staff and reporting by PlanPhilly journalists,” writes Evan Croen, PlanPhilly’s website administrator and A Person Who Moved Here From Brooklyn.

The survey results showed that the top 5 issues are:

1. The state of Philadelphia’s transportation infrastructure
2. Neighborhood stability and growth
3. Vacant land disposition and reuse
4. Transparency in government and accountability of public officials
5. Property tax enforcement

(I like No. 5, myself.)

Below, all 17 issues ranked in an appealing teal and gray color scheme.

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PennPraxis / PlanPhilly survey results [PlanPhilly]