Morning Headlines: Drexel Expanding Its 11th Street Health Center

Rendering of the expansion via the Philadelphia Business Journal.
This past February the Sheller Family Foundation donated $2.5 million to Drexel University’s 11th Street Family Health Services Center to help fund a $9 million expansion. The center, located in North Philadelphia, currently has 17,000 square feet, which will be doubled to about 34,000 square feet following the two-story addition.
The Philadelphia Business Journal’s John George reports the facility, which provides its 7,000 or so low-income patients with integrated care (i.e. primary care and behavior health services), will be able to add “new services; and allowing more students and faculty from Drexel’s College of Nursing and Health Professions to train in interdisciplinary care” after the expansion.
Groundbreaking was expected yesterday, but cancelled due to weather conditions. No new date has been announced as of publishing time.
• Drexel health center to double in size [Philadelphia Business Journal]
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