Philly Considering Putting Ads in Schools

Cashing in, or selling out the kids?

Yesterday City Council moved forward a bill that would allow the school to sell space on school buildings to advertisers. Predictably, as the Inquirer notes, proponents have touted the obvious economic benefit to the cash-strapped district, and opponents–some of them parents and teachers–have been wringing their hands (understandably) about inundating youngsters with commercial messages during school hours. Necessary caveat, as with all things School District of Philadelphia: Even if Council ultimately passes the bill, the ultimate authority rests with the SRC.

This sort of plan isn’t entirely new. It’s happening in New Jersey. It’s happening in Texas. It’s evening happening in Bucks County, where Pennsbury High School earned $424,000 from advertisements in 2011. According to the Inky, Councilman Bill Greenlee suggested Council was leaning towards adopting the plan. After all, beggars can’t be choosers. [Inquirer]