Philly, Your Streets Are About to Get Smellier
Old people! Why are you always ruining everything? Starting tomorrow, Philadelphia’s trash-infested streets are about to get more trash-infested. Right now, the Streets Department will slap you (or your house, or your neighbor’s house, or whomever) with a ticket if you leave your trash on the sidewalk before 7 p.m. on pick-up day eve. Due to some lobbying by the almighty senior citizens’ lobby, which argues that it’s unfair to make our elderly take out the trash after dark–especially in inclement weather–City Council has approved a change that makes it okay to take out your garbage as early as 5 p.m, from October to April.
Councilman Kenyatta Johnson of the 2nd District said his grandmother was in a quandary. Her whole big thing is that she’s petrified that if she puts the trash out at a certain time, she’s going to get a ticket, because she got a ticket before.”
OK, well when you put it like that…Still, here’s an idea: Lets’s just all put our trash out early in the morning. Even if you miss the initial early pick-up–which I have, several times–in my experience, the garbage trucks always come around the block again to pick up after stragglers. [CBS 3]