Philadelphia’s Caffeine Scene Is Booming

Everytime we turn around it seems another coffee shop is opening. Local roasters, Green Street Coffee and ReAnimator have both opened flagship cafes recently. We’ve received confirmation on La Colombe’s Fishtown expansion and just about every other block seems to have a coffee shop opening or planned.

Menagerie Coffee has opened at 18 S 3rd Street in Old City. You have to check out the tree stump tables.

Stable Coffee has opened near Temple University and has plans to open several more locations.

United by Blue is another recent addition to the caffeine scene. The combination coffeehouse and clothier is located at 144 N 2nd Street and serves ReAnimator coffee.

Joe Coffee’s second Philadelphia location will be the first business opening at Drexel’s Chestnut Square. The coffee shop imported from New York is opening this Saturday.

Ox Coffee is coming to Queen Village at 616 S 3rd Street. And on Saturday, September 28th they’re throwing an opening party from 6 to 10 p.m.

Photo via Drexel University on Instagram