These 5 Philly Bridges Are Apparently Quite Unsafe

Frustrated by Harrisburg’s pathetic inability to pass a routine transportation bill, Penn DOT has gone ahead and placed weight restrictions on 1,000 of Pennsylvania’s bridges. (PA has 4,479 structurally deficient bridges, the most in the country. Woo!) Five of the new weight-restricted bridges are in Philly.

The five affected bridges in Philadelphia are Spring Garden Street over the Schuylkill and Martin Luther King Drive; Erie Avenue over the old Conrail line; Frankford Avenue over Frankford Creek; City Avenue over the SEPTA tracks; and 34th Street over the CSX tunnel.

While this will only affect bigger vehicles like school busses, trucks, and ambulances, you might still want to take a detour and sample one of Philly’s other creaky but not that creaky bridges. [Inquirer]