STORE: Big Holiday Blow-Out At The Foobooz Store
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, so we’re coming down to the wire with the holidays, and we here at the Foobooz Store wanted to let you know that any order placed before noon tomorrow (Thursday, December 20th) will be put in the mail by the end of that day.
Yes, that means ALL orders. Including the ones that some of you out there are still waiting on. Honestly, we just did not expect that so many people in this fair city would want to go around dressed like giant sriracha bottles and were somewhat overwhelmed with early orders. Sorry about that. We also didn’t think so many of you were quite so svelte. I mean, seriously? You’re ALL mediums? Okay, that’s between you and your tailors, I guess. But we can, with all confidence, promise that all orders put in by noon tomorrow will be in the mail by 5pm tomorrow. Which gives you a really good shot of actually receiving your order before Christmas. Which is awesome.
So get on over to the store and buy buy buy. Get a tee-shirt and show your support for your neighborhood, your city or your favorite food blog. Get some jerky for someone you love because A) we’re now selling them in 3-packs (one of each flavor) for $25 which is cheaper than anywhere else in the world, and B) because it seriously is some of the best beef you’re ever going to put in your mouth. Pick up a deck of City Dining Cards because they make a great stocking stuffer for anyone on your list who likes to eat.
And keep in mind that you should probably bop on over to the store immediately because everything in there is now on a timer, and when products sell out, they are just flat gone-zo until after the New Year.
Foobooz Store [Official]