What Should Brian Sims Wear for Halloween?
Zombie Superman? Ben Franklin? A vampire? Or should he go Gangnam Style? PA’s soon-to-be first openly gay legislator Brian Sims wants you to help decide what he should wear for Halloween this month. “I hate fundraising. Period,” says Sims. “Campaigns should be about issues, policy and leadership, but unfortunately campaigns cost a lot of money. I spent a lot in my race, even went in to debt, and soon have to start fundraising for my next election.”
So he’s accepting votes with campaign contributions. Each $10 contribution counts as a vote. Folks can vote more than once, until this poll closes at 3 p.m. on October 26.
“The winning costume will be annouced that afternoon,” says Sims. “If I’m going to have to fundraise – I’m at least going to have some fun with it.”