Surviving 127 Hours
We’ve all seen the signs: may not be suitable for people with neck, heart, or back problems, women who may be pregnant, or people susceptible to motion sickness. Usually, it’s posted next to the amusement park ride. But what would you think if it was printed on a movie ticket stub? Or on the theater door?
Well if the recent news reports about 127 Hours are to be believed, this may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. [SIGNUP]
It has only been a few weeks since I saw an advanced screening for Danny Boyle’s newest. It’s an energetic, frenetic film that stars a charming and believable James Franco. It’s one that I suggest everyone see (and especially for those starting to think about their Oscar ballots), despite and because of the agonizing scene where Ralston (Franco) cuts off his arm — in every, excruciating detail.
And this is the cause of the news reports. People are puking in lobbies. Women are having seizures. Men are passing out in the their seats. And god knows how many claustrophobic-induced panic attacks have occurred.
Seriously. has started a “127 Hours Emergency Timeline.” They even received an email from a reader, not accounted for on the Timeline, who had passed out during a Denver Film Festival Screening:
“I passed out sitting up with my eyes open. My wife tried to talk to me and noticed I was unresponsive, even though my eyes were wide open. She of course freaked. Somebody called 911. There was a doctor a few rows back that came down to assist. I came to in her arms, drenched in sweat and lying across the seats.”
How ridiculous and awesome is that?
Maybe I’m obsessed with these reports because they prove cinema can still have a profound impact on people. Maybe it’s because I’m jealous that no such thing has occurred in Philly … so far. Or, maybe I’m just a schadenfreude-y bastard.
Well whatever the reason, go see the movie. (Well, as long as you don’t fall into the puker or sezuire-r crowd.)
If you’re a fainter, make sure you hydrate several hours before seeing the movie. If you start to feel light-headed or dizzy, close your eyes and avoid thinking about the plot of Inception — this will only make it worse. If need be, breathe into your popcorn bag. If you only have the trough-size popcorn bucket, well … you’re screwed.
For everyone else, enjoy. And if anything happens to you or someone else in the theater, please, please, PLEASE let me know. (In Philadelphia theaters November 19th.)
My Grade: B+
To find any Aaron Mettey movie review from 2010, click here.