PW Reviews Swallow, Summer Guide Silliness
Adam Erace rounds up summer openings and wonders about Swallow, where the food is great, but the chef is a little too involved:
Is it Swallow’s emptiness that causes Jason to approach the table with frequent mood-gauging queries—Is the music too loud? Are the prawns okay?—and fits of gratitude for ordering the duck confit, “which represents 12 hours of labor and preparation�
The guy looks really uncomfortable, a ball of nervous energy wound up into a tight white perma-smile. He’d do well to let his staff handle the floor. The tatted-up crew don’t hover and seem genuine in both their desire for you to enjoy yourself and their affection for the food.
As part of the summer guide, Jeff Barg ruins a Jim’s steak by wrapping it in a nasty slice of Lorenzo’s pizza.
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