Lobbyist Holly Kinser’s Birthday Party

Politicos and Philly celebs gathered to mark lobbyist's 50th birthday, and 25 years lobbying Harrisburg.

On Friday night at Stratus Lounge at the Hotel Monaco Holly Kinser celebrated her 50th birthday and marked 25 years as a lobbyist in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Many notable political figures, including former Pennsylvania Governor and Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell, Mayor Michael Nutter and two 2015 mayoral hopefuls, Anthony Williams and Doug Oliver, were on hand to celebrate with her, as well as friends in the hospitality field like Angela Val, Mickey Rowley.

Longtime friends Mia McDonald, Nina Tinari and Peter Longstreth also turned out to help the beautiful, vivacious blonde celebrate her milestones. In lieu of gifts they were asked to make a donation to the Philadelphia Children’s First Fund for the School District of Philadelphia or the Arden Theatre Company.

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HughE Dillon covers parties, events and more for Philadelphia magazine’s The Scene. You can follow him on Twitter at @iPhillyChitChat and visit his daily online social diary PhillyChitChat.com.