The Crown Beyoncé Wore In Her ‘7/11’ Video Was Made By a Philly-Born, UPenn Graduate

Crowns for all! | Image via YouTube.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen Beyoncé’s DIY video for her latest single ‘7/11.’ (And if you haven’t seen it, welcome back to the world! Watch it here.) Throughout most of the video Bey wore her underwear, sometimes switching into yoga pants, a variety of sweatshirts, and a necklace so huge you can see it from space (sbove). But towards the end of the video, she rocked a crazy futuristic crown. Huffington Post reported that it was created by Laura Wass, the Brooklyn-based designer behind WXYZ Jewelry.
And guess what? Laura was raised in Penn Valley, went to Friends Central and was a student at Penn. (Just like Stuart Weitzman.)

Laura Wass, comfortably reclining on books. | Photo via WXYZ Jewelry.
Wass launched her jewelry line in 2012, and already it’s garnered serious accolades. She also designed the bracelets and visors featured in Beyoncé’s video, and was—understandably—incredibly psyched at the prominent exposure. As she told HuffPo:
“After hearing that the pieces were shot, I started to get excited – and told everyone in the studio that we would be having an all-Beyonce karaoke sesh if they made the cut of the final video. When the video came out, seeing Beyonce herself wearing the pieces so prominently was truly exciting – I think I’m still in shock! We are going to be singing a lot of Beyonce at karaoke! One of our mantras at the studio is the question: “what would Beyonce do?” Now it’s cool to know that Beyonce would, and does, wear WXYZ Jewelry.”
So what’s next for Wass? After all, once you’ve adorned Beyoncé, you’ve pretty much reached the top. My vote is for Kate Middleto or Queen Elizabeth. Those Crown Jewels could use a fresher-upper.