USPS Releases New Wedding Stamps For Your Invite-Sending Pleasure

USPS Releases New Wedding Stamps For Your Invite-Sending Pleasure

The newest wedding stamp from the USPS.

It’s definitely one of those things that seems really silly and trivial, but legitimately bothers a lot of brides—and really, with good reason. You spend a ton of money and time and effort and work on getting together your gorgeous wedding invitations, and then you find that your options for the stamps to slap on them aren’t that great. I mean, the flag is patriotic and all, but not all that pretty and romantic. And honestly, I haven’t even been a fan of a lot of the wedding ones they’ve had out before.

The USPS did just come out with a new wedding stamp, though, and I actually think it’s super cute, especially for a spring or summer wedding! The big guy is pictured here—the 66 center—and you can click here to see the Forever stamp-version of it, too, along with the other options they specifically make for weddings invitations.

Whichever stamp you go with, though, just be sure to take one fully put-together invitation to the post office before you stamp them all up, so you know exactly what kind of postage you need. This is not the time for guessing, as guessing could result in a mailbox full of your beautiful envelopes slapped with “return to sender,” and we’re guessing that isn’t a hiccup you’d like to have in your happy planning process.

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