Ed Rendell: I Didn’t Say Bernie Sanders Supporters Need to Behave Themselves
Ed Rendell took to Facebook on Monday to say his comments on a Sunday radio show, saying that Bernie Sanders supporters need to “behave” at this summer’s Democratic National Convention, had been misconstrued.
But Rendell did say the thing he says he didn’t say. More or less, anyway — skip to 11:40 in the National Edition of “The Cats Roundtable” for the pertinent quotes below:
The Facebook post is a call for Democrats to unite in order to stop the de facto Republican nominee, Donald Trump, from being elected president in November. The former mayor and governor has been a staunch ally of Hillary Clinton from the outset of the campaign and before. And he says she has the best chance of advancing the issues that Sanders supporters care about.
Sanders supporters didn’t seem to like the suggestion that they “behave,” naturally.
Rabid attacks by HillTrolls & audacious DNC disregard of democracy has necessitated #BernieOrBust. Behave Rendell! https://t.co/4WWFEqMlxl
— Mark Z (@Madaza41) May 9, 2016
I've had enough of Ed Rendell's put downs toward Bernie supporters. https://t.co/7ABPKSSuok Treat us with courtesy.
— mad floridian (@madfloridian) May 9, 2016
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