Brittany Lynn Has Her Say

Brittany Lynn, er, Ian Morrison is the subject of a truly Behind-the-Music proportion of a profile in Philadelphia Weekly today. We give kudos to the straight press for recognizing Morrison’s drag alter ego. Not only is she a big, bold and towering personality – quite literally – on the Philly gay scene, but she’s also one of the few drag performers in town who belts out her own songs everywhere from the Gayborhood to Chinatown.
Just when we thought we knew everything we ever wanted to know (but was a little afraid to ask) about Miss Lynn/Mr. Morrison, we found out a few surprises, like:
Former Gov. Ed Rendell got very touchy with Brittany during an LGBT fundraiser. As if we needed another excuse to miss this guy.
Brittany’s 37. What? She can’t possibly be a day over…21?
Morrison was practically a child prodigy, flourishing in the gifted program with enough credits to graduate by sophomore year of high school. Instead, he enrolled in as many theatre and music programs as he could to hone that voice of his, a voice that could hit even Mariah Carey-style high notes. After hearing him sing-a-long to “Purple Rain” this weekend at Yakitori Boy’s “House of Drag-on,” we don’t doubt it.
Rocky Horror Picture Show changed his life.
Nope, Brittany Lynn isn’t named for Miss Spears, but rather, Ian’s baby sister. We’d love to know what she thinks of this campy homage.
Ian studied journalism at Temple. But apparently at the height of club culture, some folks paid their performers with both cash and tablets of ecstasy. That wouldn’t have happened if he stuck to journalism. We promise.
Check out the story here.