Merry Christmas To All…

...and to all a good night.

Food memories are why we do what we do. The making of them is why all of you out there care about food as much as you do. The recollection of them, and the measurement of their weight against this taco or that coq au vin, is why we write about food here.

There have been a lot of great food movies over the years. And there have been a lot of great food scenes in non-food movies. But none captures the instant that an indelible and formative food memory is made quite like the Chinese restaurant scene from A Christmas Story.

So it is with that moment that we’re going to close out our coverage for the holidays. We’ll be doing some wrap-ups during the week between Christmas and New Years, some looking back over the good and bad of 2016 (and keeping our eyes on the news, of course, in case anything big happens). And then we’ll be back for real in 2017, with all the food news, reviews and event coverage you’re used to. But in the meantime, this…

Happy holidays, everyone. See ya in 2017.