Chef Brian Ricci Hosts Two-Day Feast Honoring London Chef Fergus Henderson And St. John

Brick and Mortar will host a two-day event on Nov. 18 and 19 in celebration of the London chef's culinary nose-to-tail culinary philosophy.

Brick and Mortar’s executive chef, Brian Ricci pays tribute to critically-acclaimed cookbook author and renowned UK chef Fergus Henderson by throwing a two-day event inspired by his London restaurant, St. John.

Ricci’s two-day feast, which he’s calling “St.Jawn,” will explore his love for British culinary culture and feature a variety of dishes inspired by Henderson’s nose-to-tail philosophy (he wrote a book all about it).

Henderson upholds the idea of utilizing the entire animal and looking beyond the main filet. He creates entrees out of the parts people tend to overlook (especially in American dining), and his thriftiness and creativity in crafting dishes that use the whole animal include everything from fatty parts to deviled kidneys and roasted bone marrow.

Ricci’s love for this philosophy in British culture stems from his travels in London and Scotland where he discovered this way of dining. He’s been excited to host a dinner like this for a while now and put his own spin on it.

Dishes will include: Grilled Marinated Calves Hearts; Sorrel, Chicory & Crispy Pig Ear Salad; “Bath Chaps” (a kind of headcheese) with Beet, Red Onion, Red Cabbage, Crème Fraîche & Chervil; Roasted Bone Marrow and Parsley Salad; Cold Roast Beef and Dripping Toasts, and more.

Desserts include Eccles Cakes and Dr. Henderson’s Ice Cream, which is a house-made crème de menthe and Fernet ice cream inspired by Henderson’s father’s favorite drink.

Brick and Mortar’s lead bartender Christina Rando will also provide cocktails inspired by favorites from St.John’s bar. In addition, there will be options for pairings provided by Yards Brewery.

The two-day event will take place on Weds. Nov. 18 and Thurs. Nov. 19 at Brick and Mortar’s location at 315 N. 12th Street. 

Reservations can be made by calling 215-923-1596.

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