10 Philly Hospitals Ranked by Reputation

Perception is reality in the era of the Affordable Care Act.

The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) (Sage Ross/Wikimedia Commons)

The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) (Sage Ross/Wikimedia Commons)

Hospitals are often ranked by physician ratings, patient experience or level of expertise in a specialty. But what about community perception? In today’s new world of the Affordable Care Act, consumers are much more involved in healthcare choices — and that often includes which health system or hospital to use.

So Market Strategies International ranked Philadelphia hospitals based on community perception in a newly released study.

“As people are choosing their own networks and getting limited in health systems of choice, the facilities want to understand what the community thinks of them,” said Jack Fyock, a senior vice president at Market Strategies International. “Hospital leadership wants to have a good sense of what they do well and where they can improve. It’s another data point for them to leverage marketing and advance their agendas.”

The study examined 10 local hospitals and conducted interviews with 2,000 residents who live nearby.

Here’s how the hospitals stacked up according to their composite “image indicator” score — derived from performance on 19 attributes, in categories like quality, care and treatment, institutional mandates, non-medical advantages and service lines.

  • 83 — Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania
  • 79 — Christiana Hospital
  • 79 — Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
  • 77 — Pennsylvania Hospital
  • 76 — Lankenau Medical Center
  • 75 — Abington Memorial Hospital
  • 69 — Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
  • 66 — Temple University Hospital
  • 66 — Hahnemann University Hospital
  • 55 — Delaware County Memorial Hospital