The Checkup: The Leafy Green You Should Be Adding to Your Salads 

And more healthy reads to brighten up your morning.

Sorrel: If you’ve never loaded a bunch of this leafy green into your grocery cart, you’re not alone. But you should probably start: One cup of this lemony leaf has 4 grams of fiber, three grams of protein and more potassium than a banana, blowing spinach, my personal pick for salads, out of the water. [POPSUGAR Fitness]

• Because life just isn’t fair: Apparently, according to science, anxiety-induced sweat smells worse than exercise-induced sweat. [Greatist]

• Stressed? Tuesdays seem to have that effect, mostly due to how far they are from Friday. To help ease your stress levels, try this meditation routine. It will only take five minutes of your day and could do you a world of good. [Well + Good]

• If you’re obsessed with your Lululemon (Un) Mat, you’re not alone: The Cut polled yogis around New York to find the best yoga mats around, and it made the list, along with two others. [The Cut]

• Wise words from Goop’s Gwyneth Paltrow (really): “I think I see now that life is really a balance. And it’s great to eat nutrient-dense organic food, if you can. It’s also really great to drink a vodka and have French fries.” Hear, hear. [The New York Times]

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