Poll: How Healthy Is Your Company?



With the new year fresh upon us, companies are busy renewing their efforts to help employees meet their health and fitness goals. Now that things like standing desks and treadmill desks are relatively common fixtures in the modern office, it seems employers are getting mighty creative with the kinds of fitness perks they make available to their employees.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, as I hear more and more about smart, forward-thinking efforts on behalf of local companies (and even particularly motivated employees) aimed at finding creative ways to encourage health and fitness at the office. Maybe it’s company-paid-for massages or yoga sessions. Maybe it’s an employer-sanctioned mid-day group run. (Side note: Did you know a group of employees over at Independence Blue Cross run their building’s 48 flights of steps each and every week? Impressive!) Maybe it’s a weekly delivery of farm-fresh produce to give employees a healthy alternative to vending-machine junk food.

In February 2012, I asked whether Philly-based consulting firm Vynamic is Philly’s healthiest workplace and detailed the crazy-awesome things they do to help motivate workers to move and make healthy choices.

Now, nearly three years later, I thought it was time to revisit the question and ask: What is Philly’s healthiest office?

So take the poll below to let me know whether you take advantage of your company’s wellness initiatives—or even, if they offer them at all—then tell me all the cool stuff they make available to you in the comments.

POLL: Does your employer offer workplace-wellness initiatives?