Robert Huber

City Life

Dan Rhoton’s Big, Audacious Plan to End Poverty

His idea may seem like a pipe dream to some. But don’t say that to the graduates of Hopeworks, a job-training nonprofit that is trying to crack Philadelphia’s biggest problem.

City Life

Jeff Yass’s Big School Choice Gamble

The incredibly wealthy, notoriously secretive suburban businessman is bankrolling an initiative to change the way we teach children here and across the nation.

City Life

How Bankroll Went Bust

Tech mogul Paul Martino’s grand sports club/eatery was supposed to change the face of gaming — and Center City. Then it all fell quickly, spectacularly apart.

City Life

Angelo Cataldi’s Long Farewell

The firebrand host once slashed-and-burned his way through Philly’s sports landscape. What happened to that machete on his road to retirement?

City Life

Paul Martino’s Audacious Plan to Disrupt the Republican Party

The Doylestown VC has made his money backing startups. He fanned the flames of the COVID culture wars last year by throwing big money into small-town school-board races. Now he’s set his sights on the GOP.

City Life

The Son Also Rises

It took me years of false starts and frustration to figure it out, but I’m coming to realize that my autistic child might know more about what’s important and how to live than I do.

death penalty marc bookman
City Life

Meet the Philly Lawyer on a Mission to End the Death Penalty

Marc Bookman’s new book, A Descending Spiral: Exposing the Death Penalty in 12 Essays, reveals the atrocities of death row and the broken system that puts defendants on trial for their lives.

josh shapiro
City Life

Is This the Moment Josh Shapiro Has Been Waiting For?

The attorney general and Montco native has plans to run for governor of Pennsylvania in 2021. Is his style too old-school for this modern age—or is it the only way to get things done in this state?

City Life

Inside the Fight to Abolish Police in Philadelphia

YahNé Ndgo and other local activists have been advocating for years to get police out of Black communities. Now, is the rest of the city ready to listen?

1980 phillies
City Life

The Year We Won It All: An Oral History of the 1980 Phillies

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Forty years ago this month, an underachieving Phillies team gave a skeptical, down-on-its-luck city something it hadn’t seen in half a century: a World Series championship.

bill mcswain
City Life

U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain Is Proof That, One Way or Another, Trumpism Will Live on Past the Election

The crusading federal prosecutor is a stickler for the rule of law — except, apparently, when it comes to those at the very top.

Scott Knowles
City Life

Scott Gabriel Knowles Is on a Quest to Understand What the Pandemic Reveals About Americans

In his daily livestream interviews, the Drexel University disaster expert talks to officials and researchers who are trying, like he is, to understand how America can evolve.

bridgeton new jersey
City Life

Land of Hope and Dreams

The troubling disappearance of young Dulce Maria Alavez has obscured a very different story about the South Jersey town of Bridgeton: how Mexican immigrants are breathing new life into it. 

tom wolf coronavirus response
City Life

Tom Wolf’s Leadership Style Was Made for This Moment

He’s infuriated some of his critics on the right, but Pennsylvania’s deliberate, reasonable governor is providing calm in the middle of this storm.

pat toomey
City Life

Pat Toomey Defends Impeachment Vote, Says He’ll Support Trump in November

It’s possible the senator has come away from the sorry episode unscathed. It’s also possible that he’s created a long-term problem for himself.